Student - 6621-1719, Hospital - (033)4044-9941     Govt. Approvals     Admission Notice



Dress Code

In keeping with Indian culture, students are expected to adhere to a dress code while attending the college and in the library, labs, during examinations and formal functions of the University.

Anti Ragging

Ragging in any form is banned inside and outside the campus. Strict action is taken against persons flouting this rule; no leniency is shown. Suspension and/or withdrawal from the hostel/ college is the first action against the offender.

Safety & Security

The safety of students, faculty and visitors is important to us. KPCMCHS is a semi-urban campus, and basic security measures must be observed to personal safety.


All students are covered with Medicare which entitles them general hospitalization including drugs (excluding diet) and outpatient benefits (excluding drugs, materials, etc).